Beauty & Hair

Increase in Email Revenue in 90 Days
Opt In Rate for Email & SMS
Conversion Rate for SMS
AQUA hair extensions is a B2B hair extension company. They sell directly to licensed stylists through their website, as well as through wholesale and distributers. As a small team, the AQUA team lacked the bandwidth and knowledge to successfully run their email and sms marketing in house.
The Greenhouse partnered with AQUA to help re-build their email and sms programs from the ground up. Our plan was to focus heavily on elevated campaign creatives, and rebuilding all flows to help educate customers and drive conversions. We also focused on list growth to drive new email and sms subscribers.
Key Projects
- Re-building all flows to increase conversions for new customers, and CLTV for returning customers.
- Developing new campaign strategy and creatives to ensure customers were targeted with the right message, at the right time.
- Led the transition from Klaviyo SMS to Attentive SMS which resulted in an increase in SMS revenue and subscribers.
- Testing popups to maximize on subscriber growth MoM.


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